expoSE & expoDirekt Spezial 2020

142 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT BERRIES Jagodnik.pl – the only such portal. Reports, trainings, lms, visits to planta ons in Poland and abroad. Jagodnik – the largest andmost popular magazine about growing berry plants in Poland and theworld. Conferences, outdoormee – integra on, pra interes ng busin trainings, ngs on planta ons c cal knowledge, ess rela onships e b e r r y ther T f rui t andV F egetable Industry Fair www.tsw.com.pl Interna onal Blueberry Con erence www.konferencjaborowkowa.pl oge , we create berry future f n o u l B C e r e n c e 2 0 2 1